Wednesday, February 17, 2016

 Back They Go

Don't need no bullshit,

Don't need your pity,

Take back those voicemails,

Mixed love songs CD.

The box of chocolates,

Pictures on my wall,

Gluetacked to the mirrors,

Behind the bedroom door.

Take the beautiful black dress,

The belts and the bag,

All those jewellery pieces,

Dior watch from the mag.

The anniversary rings,

Diamonds in a metal,

The vase with all the tulips,

Got a score to settle.

What about all the letters,

The ones ending with 'love you',

The X and the Os,

Too good to be true.

Might as well take it,

The words you would say,

Biggest lies of the century,

Used to make my day.

Pleading you to take the adventures,

Park dates, nights on the beach,

The hour-long phone calls,

The advice you'd preach.

Take bag the big hugs,

The cuddles, back they go,

Coz I started mailing,

When I saw you and the hoe.

So take back those kisses,

The body-tingling feels,

Coz your infidelity,

Sealed the deal.

Take back the memories,

The promises that were small,

Closed, wrapped, delivered,

Don't want none of that shit,

At all.







Chris said...
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Chris said...

I never did let you read that song I wrote for you...I feel so stupid typing this. There's something really important that I wanted to ask you, but I know you're busy person it's so hard to hold a conversation with you. My friends keep telling me I'm stupid for doing this smh, but anyway I love your new stuff. Don't give up